Enhancing Securinty of Land Tenure in Informal Settlements: The Case of Wat-Human Settlements Trust in Hanna Nassif Settlement, Dar es Salaam Tanzania

Alphonce G. Kyessi


The question of security of land tenure is increasingly becoming more important especially in developing countries, Tanzania inclusive.  In the past, the role of promoting security of land tenure was rather top-down and was mainly viewed as a public domain.  Recently, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and Community-Based Organizations (CBOs) are playing a significant role enhancing security of land tenure, more so, through informal settlements regularization and formalization.  This article discusses the role of Wat-Human Settlements Trust, a National NGO, operating in Hanna Nassif, on how it facilitate Plot surveying in the area with an ultimate aim of enhancing security of tenure to the property owners.  The lessons from this case are presumed to assist in addressing Goal 7 Target 11 of the Millennium Development Goals especially in urban areas.

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