Focus and Scope
Operations Research Society of Eastern Africa (ORSEA) is a semi-annually refereed journal publishing original scholarly research on business and management. ORSEA is intended to foster research from a variety of business-related disciplines. It is open to, and indeed encourages, a wide range of topical issues and emerging methods, conceptual approaches, and substantive problem areas within the domain of business and management. It is devoted to the improvement and further development of theories and practices of business and it is designed to appeal to academics, practising managers and policy makers.
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
- The Editor appraises the reviews and makes a final decision regarding publication of the manuscript. Every effort is made to obtain prompt reviews and make early decisions (about eight to ten weeks) regarding publication.
- In case the manuscript passes the evaluation without corrections, the author (s) is promptly informed of the acceptance. Otherwise, the author(s) receives the reviewers’ and editor’s comments and is given maximum of two months to resubmit the revised manuscript.
- Detection of Plagiarism: ORSEA will run similarity detection software before publication. The cut-off point for the purpose of these regulations shall be 15% excluding genuine cases referred in the text such as own publications, references, bibliography and preliminary pages. The originality report of more than 20% shall indicate that plagiarism has occurred.
- Upon submission of an accepted manuscript (post-review) the author is asked to submit a signed statement formally declaring that publication of the article by ORSEA would not contravene any copyright or other contractual agreements relevant to the article or the research upon which it is based. This requires that the article is not already published, nor in press, nor under consideration for any other publication where acceptance and publication is anticipated. It also requires that all copyright protocols to works cited, used, paraphrased and quoted have been duly observed by the author(s) appearing within the manuscript to be published by ORSEA.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.