An Appraisal of the Effectiveness of Repetitions used in HIV and AIDS Posters

Clemenciana Mukenge∗


Abstract :Public communication of HIV and AIDS matters is challenging, given the sensitivity and complexity of the topic, hence the employment of various linguistic strategies. This study appraises the effectiveness of repetitions employed as lexical devices in ten PSI Zimbabwe HIV and AIDS posters. These posters were selected using a purposive sampling technique, based on observed manifestations of linguistic redundancy. The study was guided by Halliday and Hasan’s (1976) Cohesive model for conceptualising texts. Data was analysed using the Content Analysis method, through establishing the categories of repetitions used and their frequencies, followed by presenting numerical data in the form of tables. The results indicated that there was overuse of repetitions in HIV and AIDS posters, predominantly employing stylistic non-conceptual repetitions, as opposed to conceptual ones, promoting unwarranted redundancy and poor readability. Recommended is the minimal use of repetitions, particularly the non-conceptual ones, in order to eliminate redundancy and achieve effective communication. Key words: HIV and AIDS posters, repetition, appraisal, cohesion, effectiveness

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