Learning Kiswahili as A Second Language for Iraqw speaking People: Explaining The Reasons for Error

Sarah Vincent


Learning Kiswahili as a second language among the Iraqw community has been influenced by various errors committed by the learners. This situation causes various learners of Kiswahili in this community not to achieve native-like competence in the target language. However, the sources of these errors are not explicitly identified. Many studies draw on different perspectives to describe the sources of errors for L2 learners. For instance, Lado (1957) explains that many errors for L2 learners are due to the interference of L1 while Corder (1967) explains that many errors for L2 learners are caused by the learners themselves since they wrongly use rules of their L2. The findings revealed that the Kiswahili learners among the Iraqw community commit different errors in various contexts, namely concordial agreement marking, insertion and deletion of affixes. It has also been revealed that the causes of those errors include the environments that the learners encounter, the structural difference between L1 and L2, the effects of L1 on L2, lack of enough learning and teaching facilities for Kiswahili as L2, and teachers are not well equipped with Kiswahili content and methodologies for teaching and learning Kiswahili as L2.


Key words: First language (L1), Second language (L2), Errors



Ujifunzaji wa lugha ya Kiswahili ikiwa lugha ya pili (kuanzia sasa Lg2) katika jamii ya Wairaki umekuwa ukikabiliwa na ufanyaji wa dosari mbalimbali. Jambo hili limesababisha wajifunzaji wengi wa lugha ya Kiswahili katika jamii hiyo kushindwa kufikia umilisi wa wazungumzaji wazawa wa lugha wanayojifunza. Hata hivyo, chanzo cha dosari hizo si bayana kwani tafiti nyingi zilizofanyika zimekuwa zikibainisha sababu tofautitofauti za dosari hizo. Kwa mfano Lado (1957) anaeleza kwamba dosari nyingi za wajifunzaji wa Lg2 zinatokana na mwingiliano wa Lg1 ilhali Corder (1967) anaeleza kwamba dosari nyingi za wajifunzaji wa Lg2 zinatokana na wajifunzaji wenyewe kutumia kimakosa kanuni za Lg2 wanayojifunza. Aidha, matokeo ya ujifunzaji huo yamedhihirisha kwamba, wajifunzaji wa lugha ya Kiswahili katika jamii ya Wairaki, wanafanya dosari mbalimbali kama vile dosari za upatanisho wa kisarufi, udondoshaji wa viambishi na upachikaji wa viambishi. Halikadhalika, imebainika kwamba dosari hizo zimesababishwa na sababu kadhaa ambazo zinamfanya mjifunzaji atumie kimakosa kanuni za lugha anayojifunza. Sababu hizo ni kama vile mazingira ya ujifunzaji wa lugha ya Kiswahili, tofauti za kimuundo kati ya Lg1 na Lg2, athari ya Lg1, walimu kutokuwa na ujuzi wa kufundisha Kiswahili ikiwa Lg2 kwa wajifunzaji hao na uhaba wa vifaa vya kujifunzia na kufundishia.

Maneno ya Msingi: Lugha ya kwanza (Lg1), Lugha ya pili (Lg2), Dosari

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