Gender Characteristics of Secondary School Teachers Using Computers in and Around Kampala City of Uganda

Freddie Festo Mawanga


This study investigated personal and classroom teaching characteristics of
teachers using computers. The study was an evaluation of characteristics by
gender using evidence from secondary schools in and around Kampala City of
Uganda. Descriptive characteristics and associations between characteristics by
gender; differences between gender characteristics; and prediction of gender of
teacher using the characteristics were investigated. Cross-sectional data were
collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Schools were identified using
snowball sampling because of the nature of the study population. Respondents in
each school were selected purposively through their head teachers. According to
the study, male respondents were about twice as many as female respondents.
Proportions of teachers according to the characteristics varied across gender.
Associations between personal characteristics were gender-based. Associations
between classroom teaching characteristics were similar across gender and
included average number of students taught per stream and average number of
streams taught in a week. Gender differences in classroom characteristics were
found in teaching science subjects and teaching higher classes with male
teachers scoring higher than their female counterparts. The study revealed
gender difference in a computer with male teachers scoring higher than female
teachers. Prediction of gender of a teacher was by teaching a science subject.
Policy implications include the fact that the government should encourage more
female students to study science subjects so as to effectively increase numbers of
female science teachers; and to increase incentives for science teachers. School
Management should encourage female teachers acquire personal computers and
to teach science subjects in higher classes. Schools should also reduce teaching
loads for teachers adopting and adapting ICT in teaching.


Keywords:  Gender, Classroom Teaching characteristics, Personal characteristics,
Correlations, Logit Regression, ANOVA

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[ISSN 1821-7567 (Print)  & eISSN 2591-6947 (Online)]