Developing a Culture of Political Tolerance

Athumani J. Liviga


This article examines the concept of political tolerance in relation to the practice of multiparty politics in Tanzania.  Tolerance is identified as a key component of democracy.  However, elections in Tanzania are conducted in an atmosphere of mistrust between the ruling party and its government and the opposition parties.  Political intolerance has been exhibited by the ruling party and also by opposition parties. Other important political players including the bureaucracy and state institutions have had a role in compounding the problem. Election officials in districts had a major part in the perpetuation of political intolerance. They are an essential factor in so far as the opposition claims that elections are biased in favour of the ruling party. The consequences of allowing such a situation to continue unchecked may be disastrous for Tanzanian democracy. It is important therefore to bring together the key players to discuss the problem and find a common strategy to deal with it.

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