Does Areas of Child Residence and Consumption of Child Health Inputs Matter? An Analysis of Child Health Care Inequality in Tanzania

Wilhelm M. Ngasamiaku


This study examines inequalities in child health with focus on inequalities in in areas
of child residence as well as inequalities in other health input variables that affect
child health such as the use of vaccination services, vitamin A supplementation and
breastfeeding of children on child health. The study used both concentration curves
and concentration indices to measure inequalities in child health among households
as ranked by living standard measures such as wealth index and real per capita
incomes. The analysis is based on data from the 2004/05 Tanzania Demographic and
Health Survey (TDHS). The survey is a nationally representative and is conducted in
order to measure levels, patterns, and trends in demographic and health indicators.
The results show that inequalities in all categories of child health were more
concentrated among the poor and that they were also statistically significant. But
when inequalities were compared between urban and rural areas, it was found that
inequalities in child health are more pronounced in rural areas with computed
coefficients being statistically significant as well. In terms of policy relevance the
findings suggest that policies aimed at combating child health inequalities should aim
to reduce both inequalities in areas such as the quality and availability of health
services as well as accessibility of health services especially in rural areas where
inequalities are more pronounced

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