Primary School Teachers’ Instructional Competences in Teaching Integrated Social Studies Subject in Rungwe District, Tanzania

Leonard Kanon Kanon, Eugenia Kafanabo Kafanabo Kafanabo


This study is designed to examine primary school teachers understanding
of integrated Social Studies subject and how they negotiate content and
pedagogy in the in actual classroom situation. A qualitative case study
research design, guided by an interpretive research paradigm, was employed
in order to get an in-depth understanding of the integrated Social Studies
subject implementation process. Data were gathered through interview,
review of curricular andpolicy and classroom observations. Qualitative data
were analyzed using thematic open coding. The study reveals that, teachers’
instructional practices contradicted their understanding of integrated
Social Studies subject teaching that emphasises invisible pedagogic
practices, which leave pupils passive recipients of knowledge. The study
recommends that primary school teachers need to be accorded with
contextual cues to explain integrated Social Studies subject successfully.
Keywords: instructional competences, social studies, teachers’ understanding,

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